
What are your coffee/tea drinking habits?
Do you prefer coffee, tea, or other beverages? ☕ 🍵
Do you use a coffee maker/machine or something else?

I'm wondering if I should invest in a coffee machine 🤔

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    TEA all the way(Sometimes choccy milk :> ). Don't really have drinking habits, I just drink tea when I feel like it. Prefer to brew tea with leaves in a kettle, but a teabag in a mug is fine too.
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    Milk and coffee made with Italian moka in the morning and matcha in the afternoon.

    I like having an electric water boiler to make tea anytime.
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    @rov3rand0m what proportions do you use for milk with moka. I can't get the balance right. If I add too little milk, it feels runny. If I reduce coffee to make space for milk, it becomes more milk than cofffee.
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    I drink tea, coffee or cola.
    I have a mokapot for coffee.
    Coffee machine requires space that I don't have and maintenance that I can't afford.
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    I have a bean gun, it shoots coffee beans to my mouth from the other side of the room
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    I drink whatever I feel will warm my stone cold heart. But usually coffee in the morning and tea in the evening (if any)

    Coffee machines are great, they save you a bit of time and produce tasty results, and you don't even need an expensive one if you're not very particular about your coffee. I personally have no issues with instant coffee, so any coffee machine coffee is a step up anyway xD
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    Ground coffee in a cup worked well so far. No need for an expensive appliance
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    @anux I usually put more milk. 3 parts milk 1 part coffe but it is a personal taste. Coffe is pretty strong.
    It is what we usually call “caffè latte”.
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    @rov3rand0m yeah I get the latte part. But it feels like a watery latte. I thought of using cream instead of milk but didn't have heavy cream at hand.
    I reduced the milk somewhat to make it thicker but that didn't taste all that great.
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    https://i.imgur.com/1QInLJh.jpg?1 Tea gang all the way, golden dragon yellow tea for today
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    @rutee07 I should try one of those sometime. There are so many types of tea
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    @rov3rand0m It would be less strong with more milk? I've always preferred a classic cappuccino
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    Yes, I add milk because coffee is too strong for me
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    Extra dark roasted ground coffee, the color of my soul and strong nuff to destroy galaxies. Ye olde regular. Nothing fancy pancy to spoil it. That’s the only way.
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    I bought a coffee machine couple years ago, a simple one that wasn't expensive at all (you need to buy pre-ground coffee or ground it yourself).
    This was the best 150€ I spent, I use it almost every day and it didn't fail me even once :D
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    i really like mate tea and coffee with milk. coffee makers are practical, but nothing bests a coffee brewed by hand.
    at night i go for something without caffeine, chamomile tea mostly.
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    @darksideofyay you just introduced me to mate tea and I got so excited I've ordered a pack.
    Do you use the bombilla and gourd? I didn't feel like spending on them.
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    @anux ah what you probably ordered is what we call chimarrão. check what kind you've bought. chimarrão is different, very bitter. what i do is a simple infusion 😅
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    @darksideofyay ugh fuck. It is indeed chimarrão. What is mate then if not yerba mate?
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    @anux it's a dark tea, it's kinda sweet
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    @anux i know a lot of people from the south that love chimarrão 😂 maybe you'll like it. they use the proper equipment, and sit in a circle passing around. it's a very social activity
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    @darksideofyay yeah I read about that. I was tempted to buy the equipment but didn't want to spend too much before knowing whether I like the tea or not.

    Oh and I read about the social activity. Even without covid, I just can't share a straw.

    Can you tell me the brand you are using? All my searches for mate tea lead to yerba mate. The Wikipedia page doesn't seem to differentiate either.
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    @anux the one i buy is this one. it says "roasted mate tea", i think chimarrão would be the same but fresh
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    @darksideofyay ah!
    Makes so much sense now.
    Thanks for sharing, yay!

    I'll keep my order. When I try it, I'll share if that yay takes a darker turn. :P
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    Lately often instant coffee in the morning, Aeropress (inverted method with freshly hand-ground organic beans) if I can be bothered. Tea all day, both herbal and real tea. Cup filter for the better (loose) tea, teabags for laziness (and most herbal tea).
    Mulled wine in December.
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