
I fucking hate toxic positivity. Every fucking corporation pushes the notion that "lifE iS aWeSomE, wE cArE abOuT pEoPle" and other such bullshit, and when you point it out, they call you a bad, toxic person.

No, you don't care about your community, let alone the whole world. You're just trying to make people believe that spyware, wage slavery and being fired by a neural network is the norm. You're making money off of those who don't have a choice.

If you account all people, not just American white rich 1%, it turns out that for the vast majority of people life is either an uphill battle or straight up nightmare. People are working in shifts and have no time or emotional resource to spend on themselves. Most of the people can't afford a house or a flat. Even those who can still suffer from mental illnesses, to the point where there are more mentally challenged people than mentally healthy ones. The word "neurotypical" meaning "mentally healthy" is wrong.

You want nothing but to sell your stuff and earn more money off of Chinese and Indian factory workers who work 16-hour shifts. Maybe your life is great, but aggressively pushing this notion is a big, wet spit in the face of humanity.

Fuck you. Fuck your space rockets. Fuck your twitter accounts. Fuck your institutionalized exploitation of the weak. Fuck your products. Fuck your "open source". Fuck your "GDPR compliance". Fuck your offshores, your hedge funds and your tax evasion. Fuck your bailouts. Fuck your ships spilling tons of crude oil, fuck your factories, fuck your slave labor, fuck your anti-suicide nets in Chinese dormitories.

One day, because of you, our planet will become unlivable. You will hop into your fancy space rocket to go to that top-1% elite Mars colony. Nice job.

But I will pray for a solar flare to hit you and turn you and your fucking rocket into radioactive ash.

  • 13
    I want to make everything better.

    Most people seem to want everything to be worse, and constantly work towards that end, no matter what. Every month the world is worse than the previous. It’s sickening and depressing and makes me mentally unwell.

    I just want to see things get better. Why does everyone fight against it?
  • 6
    Corporate speak has become ridiculous years ago.
    We now have reached a point where people literally get triggered when they hear the most overused phrases.
  • 4
    It only becomes more depressing when you finally realize, that the majority of them (not the less than 1% actually only driven by endless insatiable greed) just wants to live in peace with their family and aren't evil at all.
  • 4
    It's ok, remember that everything is a foreign power conspiracy and we're actually all fine.
  • 3
    @Oktokolo there may even be some rich-ass people who just want to live well with their families and fuck all the rest, but those are few and fat between. The same people who profit from child labour are those who get divorces because they were "emotionally abandoned by their partners" (I think that's how the kids say "I'm not attracted to him/her anymore" nowadays). The very same people whose children grow with neglect and depression. The people who nearly forget about their aging parents (or even hate them) and won't unglue from their phones when visiting them. Siblings who will stop at nothing to take each other down.

    Rich people do not want better lives, they just want to stop that stupid "yes, and?" that echoes loud in the silence after one accomplishes freaking anything. That's mostly why there are futilities like NFTs and fandom and sports teams and internet arguments.

    The solution? If you figure it out, care to share? I've been looking for it for awhile. I guess it's 42.
  • 2
    Rich people are just people too. Some want to leave a mark no matter the cost. Some are suffering from insatiable greed. And in general they are just ordinary people.
    They are just more of a problem for society because wealth is power if used in that way.

    NFTs exist for the same reasons as modern art. I don't get it either, but it looks like poeple really like collecting things - material or not.

    The solution to human societies suffering from the 1%-with-greed disease would be deadly social stigmatisation.
    Being filthy rich already has a high reward - so from a risk assessment point of view there needs to be a huge risk of getting murdered by the mob or your own security to make it less attractive.
  • 5
    Glad that someone said this
  • 1
    This has been the best rant post of 2021 so far!
  • 0
    It's not their obligation to look after you or the environment. They're doing what they can to stay on top of the food chain.

    There's a powerful institution whose stated responsibility is to protect and serve you - the government. Politicians, especially on the left, play their politics by distracting us from blaming them for being complicit in all this. We've developed an obsession with rich people even though nothing can ever come out of whining about the rich. If you're unable to pay for basic amenities, it's the government's responsibility to fix it.

    Don't believe me? Look at how much taxes the rich paid with the democrats in power. It's a sick joke
  • 3
    Interesting, I just recently learned of the term “toxic positivity” while searching for terms to describe my work environment. I think it’s a perfect phrase and I’m glad others feel the same way as I do about it. I hate that it’s a defense mechanism to justify mediocrity. I hate that it’s used to mask failure. There was a point in time when doing something well meant something. Quality is dead.
  • 3
    @RexGalilae USA != the whole world
  • 1
    @fiftyhz quality is not dead and will never be, it’s just like your personal context only contains shitty, mass produced shit
  • 1
    Tomato tomato. Replace "Dems and Republicans" with whatever 2 big parties in your country and the rest of the story remains the same
  • 0
    @kiki Can’t argue with you there!
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    Sounds like the company I'm working on...
    When the owners would gladly kill a few employees if they could get some profit from it.
  • 0
    @RexGalilae never forget the gop, with the RNC's arm so far up their ass, that they work the right like puppets.

    Seems to me like a lot of infighting and promises better rarely any real action. That's by design.

    Congress and the Senate get richer, everyone else gets poorer and more locked down.
  • 1
    @RexGalilae but the government is being bought to cater to the behest of these large corporations, and essentially being bribed not ignore the will of the people. Then these corps make big propaganda campaigns to sway people against their own interests. This is especially true in the USA, but similar things happen worldwide.
  • 1
    @RexGalilae my place has 4 big parties tho.
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