Elon musk starts new companies like I start new projects.

I like that he's doing AI research, but it's annoying that the day after he tweets something, everybody's telling me that Elon Musk already invented true AI.

These companies are basically just think tanks, so why not call them that?

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    You think Elon Musk is great. Wait until you learn about Derek Smart.
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    @deusprogrammer I don't mind Elon Musk, I just wish he wouldn't announce things until they actually existed.

    Do you remember last year (or maybe it was 2 years ago), he started OpenAI?

    At the time I was writing for a tech blog and I interviewed their CTO, since I had machine learning experience.

    I went to him with all these questions about their experience and what they were planning on doing.

    He basically replied that I was misunderstanding, the point of OpenAI was to collect ideas and think about implementing them, not jump in implementing them.
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    @willbeddow I know. I just wanted to introduce another developer to the awfulness that is Derek Smart.
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    @deusprogrammer I'd never heard of him directly, but after reading about him I realized that he was the one responsible for all the star citizen controversy I'd heard about. Sounds like a shitball.

    EDIT: grammar
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