
I should be learning angular2 now. But I am happy with angular1 why should i learn angular2. It's so easy i heard

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    Welcome to devRant. Don't learn Angular 4 because it's Angular 2.
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    It's the tools you'll need to learn first tbh. Angular 2 itself shouldn't be too hard to get your head around, however it's the new world of Node.js and NPM along with module loaders, task runners and other tools that come with it that make it a bit of an intimidating jump. It doesn't help that the Angular docs are pretty badly laid out.

    The module loaders are a good place to start and take the most tinkering. I have found that Webpack tends to cover more ground than others like System.js. This means you can do a lot of the transpiling, bundling, minification and other tasks in one place while not having to worry about more tools like like the Grunt or Gulp task runners.
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    @ALivingMemory thnxx man i was just reading their doc and you are right 😶
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    Oh I have a related problem just today. Anyone know how hard it would be to migrate an entire enterprise web app from 1 to 2+?
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    @billgates apparently very 😪😪
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