Screenshotted a few hours ago.

Don't know but, it should be one notification right?

  • 1
    @sariel, you're famous now! Haha
  • 1
    I've wondered the same and I agree.

    P.S. IIRC it's the same with the site.
  • 2
    Is it one the same rant?
  • 0
    @okay yes. He mentioned me in his comment
  • 7
    Always have been two
  • 3
    @ChristoPy I don't know who this @sariel guy is, but he sounds like a dick.

    Edit: I hoped this would work.
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    @iiii but the question is: why?
  • 3
    @ChristoPy because different contexts. One does not say that you have been mentioned, the other dies not state that it was in your own thread
  • 1
    Reducing it to one notification would be nice, but it's not important. And it would probably create complexity if the system was not designed with that in mind.
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    @ChristoPy people can comment in your thread without mentioning (that is, directly replying to) you, or anyone else. or they can comment in your thread, mentioning (directly replying) to someone else. or they can comment in your thread, mentioning (directly replying to) you.

    or they can comment in some other thread, mentioning (directly replying to) you.

    all of those cases are semantically slightly different, so i personally like that they are differentiated in the notifications.
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    @Midnight-shcode mentioned you in your rant

    That could show up both in mention and comment tab.
  • 1
    This can be implemented using a simple logic. I think so @dfox
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