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    Away From Kibitz?
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    if that isn't depression in a nutshell
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    Why are you thinking this? I'm bit interested to know more about your life style.
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    @darksideofyay Yeah, I also think so.
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    You just need some break. You will want to come back after few days of afk.
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    @Williamava I was in a job where I burnt out multiple times over ~3 years, used to work weekends long hours and literally had no life.
    I somehow managed to interview prep and get into a new job. Didn't take any breaks between the two jobs due to immigration. It's been 3 mths at the new workplace, and I'm having difficulty motivating myself to ramp up and I feel anxious with all the work on my plate. Small tasks seem difficult and I feel like an imposter.

    Also, I have been socially isolated due to covid spikes for mths and don't have a strong friend group/support system at this point. I toggle between feeling overwhelmed and anxious and feeling numb as if life is just passing by.
    I tried therapy 1-2 times but it hasn't helped much.
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    @dejachu add me to that list as well. I have started to work so much that i have no life and i dont know what i m gonna do with the money.
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    @dejachu oh got it. Thank you so much for sharing.
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