I am amazed how developers avoid to write CSS at all costs! They prefer to struggle with a CSS library than write simple CSS rules.

But the truth is that you cannot even use properly these libraries if you just don't want to understand CSS.

In the end, the result will still look horrible with an extra dependency on the list

  • 1
    Can one even be called a developer if they cannot understand the underlying fundamentals?:)
  • 0
    Best is to know the fundamentals, THEN use a library like bootstrap. Why write style="margin-left: 2rem;" when i can just hammer out ml-2?
  • 0
    "You can't use these libraries without knowing css"

    I just came here to write "..and I raise you: tailwind"

    but then I saw the tag and was like "OP thought of everything."

    People are lazy.
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