
As most of us are aware, developers often struggle to find romantic partners, often due to introversion or working unsociable hours. So, devs who HAVE found that special someone, how did you meet them?

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    @marodok But going out alone is super sad, no? 😛
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    @KnightsOfCode amen, although I admit I cheat on my desktop with a macbook weekly...
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    @marodok Hmm, I'll keep it in mind :D
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    @luckyNmber Better than my chatbot? (Which doesn't do all too much admittedly)
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    I joined my university's climbing club and met my wife there. Just do things to meet people. People are nice. DevRant is a great example of that.
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    Being part of a sport or other community is a great way to meet people. Go try something new or do stuff that you otherwise wouldn't normally do (like sticking to normal sleep hours and going out with friends)
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    I met him at work. But we started dating only after he went to another company. But in previous relationship I found my dates on events or organizations about stuff I like like Fantasy literature or movies. I've being "out of market" for a while, but I know some fellow devs are having some luck on Tinder or even Whisper.
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    Online dating. Married.
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    I'm not sure how people can a hard time finding people nowdays. Even if you don't get out a lot you have online dating and tinder.

    I have been in a relationship for five years now (found her on omegle) but I remember online dating to be pretty chill. Just throw up a profile and see how much response you get.
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    @Meei As with most of the Internet, it's changed a fair bit in those 5 years :P
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    Met mine when I started. I was switching from design to dev and she was my biggest cheerleader ... she was a keeper.
    Every time I have an unfixable problem, she says something encouraging and the answer immediately comes to me.
    Even 13 years later, she is my muse.
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    @luckyNmber I tiny little bit 😥
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    Just... Stop fapping the computer late.
    Work is a neverending ongoing process, hence there is no reason to work more then it is possible. I work a 9 hour work day, 5 days a week and go home to my wife and daughter.
    How I met her? Through my ex gf.
    How I met my ex? At a metal show in local pub.

    Be cool, fill you life with more than a sticky keyboard and mouse. Do more! Be interesting! Be attractive!
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    I met my girlfriend, soon to be wife at a bar. Just take a break from programming and be sociable. Try and keep your Thursday and Friday nights open for anything that might come up. You work most the week in front of a screen - it's good just to get out for a bit even if it's just for a piss up
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    He's also a dev, but we don't work together. We met at a reddit meetup.
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