
Paycom is utter dogshit.

Clunky, error prone, junior mistakes on every page, and filled to the brim with HR doublespeak and legalese.

A roving gang of quadriplegic interns could do a better job if the requirements were written in cuneiform and they were paid, up front, in cocaine and whiskey.

  • 8
    Damn I love your writing style so much 😁
  • 3
    @bittersweet i second that!
    Wouldn't be surprised if @Root has written a best-seller book that hasn't been published yet
  • 3
    What a masterpiece of a rant! 10/10 would recommend. 🤭
  • 4
    I want to be paid up front with cocaine and whiskey lol
  • 3
    hahahahhahahaha bringing back the true meaning of laugh out loud!
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    @bittersweet @PonySlaystation 😁

    @johnmelodyme It’s a company that handles HR paperwork, payroll, insurance, time off scheduling, etc. Both their website and mobile app are abysmal.
  • 0
    @Root how bad is their mobile app? Does it have a name ?
  • 7
    @johnmelodyme It’s called Paycom.

    It’s slow to open, and every action takes multiple seconds, even if it’s just opening a menu.

    If you switch apps and back again, it catches this and usu signs you out, so don’t use your phone’s calculator if you want to get anywhere.

    Your username is unchangable; password rules are dumb. It requires changing your password about as often as I use the app, meaning I have to come up with a new password almost every time. When logging in, it randomly asks a set of security questions like: secure pin #3, secure pin #4, secure pin #1 (just that, no context or hints).

    Leave requests use accruals, but doesn’t require selecting one; it just won’t work if you don’t. Sometimes accruals happily work with negative hours, sometimes they refuse at zero+.

    It uses steppers throughout, and their back buttons go to step[n-1] rather than history[-1].

    Pages often refresh after performing some actions (e.g. adding an entry in a subform) meaning you must make your changes multiple times.

    Mismatching dialog choices, such as:
    “You must confirm this data is correct” [cancel] [edit] [x]

    Some checkboxes look like decoration, such as when picking insurance benefits. (Square at top-left of card; but when unchecked it doesn’t prevent filling out the card and doing so still changes costs, just doesn’t save them)

    Lots of HR jargon throughout, likewise with insurance jargon and legalese. Poorly organized menus, poorly explained terms.

    Validations often don’t tell you what’s wrong; things just don’t work until you figure it out.

    No inheritance: if someone is a) dependent, b) beneficiary, c) both, you must create them three times.

    More technical: the IDs it uses internally are compound, e.g. a varchar(8) where the first 4 are employee ID and second 4 are dependent ID. Amusingly this looks to limit the amount of employees per company to 9999. I can imagine the backend spaghetti to increase this.

    and I’ve run out of room.
  • 2
    @Root what in the name of what the fuck is that? New password for everytime? Who would design the app this way? Omg ,🥲
  • 2
    @Root sounds like it is same with WorkSmartly (a Malaysian HR payroll shit) , which you can't login sometimes and the password are only required 4 digits , once I accidentally logged to God knows who account.
  • 2
    @Root so Paycom is the western version WorkSmartly. 🤣
  • 3
    Paid in coke and whiskey…I’ll take that bet
  • 3
    How do the sales people even convince these companies to buy such a dogshit product?

    Does no one care about QUALITY anymore?

    I'd rather make no sales, then sell something bad to a customer.

    How does anyone operate like that, selling out their reputation while selling a broken pile of shit?

    Someone, quick, build something better, and sell it to Root's employer.
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