Programmers are very opinionated. They either think their tool/language is the best thing since sliced bread; or they think it’s the worst thing since the Austrian painter who got rejected from art school.

  • 3
    That took a very dark turn ... 👀
  • 3
    Typescript is alright. Takes a bit of boilerplate to get the typings of more interesting functions perfect, but a vast improvement over JS.
  • 1
    @lbfalvy should we start calling it TS?
  • 2
    @iSwimInTheC That's the official shorthand but I only use it when every reader knows what I mean.
  • 1
    @lbfalvy yeah true. I used typescript to develop my website and while the language wasn’t that great, it’s miles ahead JS. God! I hate JS.
  • 0
    All languages have weak points if you look closely enough.

    Ok - JavaScript you shouldn't look closely, it's like a Lovecraft roman - the more you look, the more you'll be eaten by madness.

    Be it rust, C, C++, Java, PHP, Python, Bash, SQL, or any other language.

    Watch the ecosystem (e.g. mailing lists, blog entries, larger companies using that stack)... A lot of things to learn.

    And stay away from ShitOverflow (Stack overflow) cause it usually is the worst ressource available.
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