

Do any Russians believe Putin?

  • 6
    Probably those where there is no other media than official, national tv or radio.
  • 1
    It's my understanding that internet access is as ubiquitous throughout the populous parts of the country as anywhere else in the modern world. Is there a content censoring firewall against the West?
  • 8
    Do any Americans believe mainstream media? There's your answer.
  • 5

    Um, not at all comparable.
  • 4
    They have three options: either they believe, they pretend to believe, or they get arrested.
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    @bahua there is censorship but it's not nearly as vast as in China. For example, I read they will now close down Facebook partially.
  • 7
    @bahua How so? 50% of US is convinced they lost 2016 elections because of Russia, last US president is banned from most social media, by far the most peaceful protest in N. America in the last 7 years is presented as "number 1 threat", and people asking questions about 2020 election results are getting their posts removed and accounts locked. Meanwhile the same news sources which spent the past 6+ years comparing Trump to Hitler and blaming their own people for "everything wrong with the world" are all bent out of shape because Elon Musk said that freezing protesters' bank accounts is a lot like what happened to certain groups of people in pre-WWII Germany. And people are buying it all.

    Don't you think at least some Russians would choose to believe their own political leader after seeing how inconsistently biased the entire western media is?
  • 3
    @hitko what's even wrong with you. I mean, there are valid problems with western media especially in the US, but you're missing them completely.
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    @NickyBones You can tell people that someone is a violent rapist, and they'll cheer for you as the victim fries on an electric chair. And even if someone tries to prove the victim was innocent, no one will listen to the truth. That's how the propaganda works, and if it can work in US, it can work in Russia. There's very little difference whether it comes from the state or from a media company which owns some of the largest news channels in N. and S. America, Pacific, India, Arabia, Portugal, Turkey, and also for some reason really loves one particular political option.
  • 3
    Some do, some don't. I know some who do. Thousands of people protesting in Russia prove there are also those who don't.
  • 3
    @hitko > "people asking questions about 2020 election results are getting their posts removed and accounts locked"

    Our local radio station was kicked off youtube this week due to 'misinformation' because they played a clip of a 2021 radio ad that contained a politician saying he was going to look into the fraud in the 2020 election. Two weeks ago another host (same station) was kicked off Twitter for quoting Fauci+CDC back in the beginning of covid saying masks would be ineffective.

    Youtube, Twitter, whatever are free to do what they want, but when my twitter feed is full of "It's Trump's fault for the Russian invasion!!" and Twitter doesn't flag those as spreading misinformation it's more than simple bias. It's propaganda.

    I get my news from all kinds of sources, so its somewhat easy to see the bias on both sides with the truth somewhere in the middle.
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    @jespersh Orange man bad
  • 3
    Yeah, I was really just trying to get a sense of whether the general population of Russia believes the things Putin says that are regarded pretty summarily in the West as nonsense.

    I was not at all interested in inviting the nonsense irrelevant screeds of Trumpist blowhards trying to draw some extremely far-fetched equivalence between Russia and the US.

    I think I've gotten as good of an answer as I can get, given the agenda these whackjobs would rather push than allow actual, real-life Russian devranters to answer.
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    I am under the impression that if CNN and co say something then it is most likely a false hood, or some wild warping of truth. I am sure this interpretation of MSM is similar in other countries.
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    Pattern I found in some propaganda during "interviews":

    1. Asks a question.

    2. Does not wait for answer.

    3. Makes an emotional statement. Eg: "The poor children that died in the attack."

    4. Proceeds to answer the question.

    I saw this pattern 20 years ago during a CNN interview. I then started to disregard most media. It was not until recently that I discovered even the so called "conservative" MSM was in fact lying piece of shits as well.
  • 3
    @hitko How so? Well, considering that I can post on Twitter or any other social media outlet about how shitty my government is and how <X> and <Y> people are dickheads that should not hold a position of power without getting arrested I will say that it is different. Way fucking different. Right now Russians are getting arrested for publicly speaking against the decision of their leaders to go to war. They are not being violent, they are protesting, peacefully, and are being jailed.

    Considering that here in the states people don't get jailed till they start throwing rocks at buildings (if even) then yeah homie, I would say it is very.....very different.
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    I would say: no, there are a lot of people protesting against the idea. Which is smart, no one needs war whatsoever in these times.
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    @AleCx04 noone needs war whatsoever. period.
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    I know people who believe putin. They're exactly the kind of people you think they are
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    Well, to be clear in a time of war, what kind of people are they? Old? Rural? Lacking in modern services?
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    Mid 30s, Rural, did poorly in school and never got further education.

    They're all experts in the economy, and trucking in Canada too.
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    @bahua I know a bunch of people that were in love with him....in Mexico of all places. all because of memes of him doing badass shit and stuff like that.
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