This new job has more work than I can possibly complete in a day, week, or month. Deadlines pile up and I’m thoroughly exhausted all weekend. My mind feels lethargic and dull. People around me seem to be getting stuff done and I feel like I’m making too many mistakes and holding everyone back. Not sure I can stick with this job for the long haul to retirement. But freelancing absolutely sucks because nobody wants to pay you enough to feed yourself and it doesn’t scale to a full time salary for me. I simply don’t have the mental capacity to do the equivalent of four peoples’ jobs to design, code, QA, launch, and do all the digital marketing, advertising, writing, and maintenance for enough sites to make up my salary.

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    Stop caring, otherwise it will affect your health.

    If stuff isn't done before deadline, fuck it, go home. It's mainly management's fault, if they set unrealistic deadlines.

    Humans are not robots, so everyone performs differently.

    Worst case you will have to search for another job, but I think you just need to accept that. Just try to get most knowledge out of your current job, so you can do better at next one.
  • 4
    @WildOrangutan Problem is, I’m management now. It’s just a bigger bite of work than I’m able to chew. Bigger than I’ve ever had to deal with before. But I’m trying to get a little less wound up about it. If I fail, there are other jobs and I will have learned something. But I HATE to fail.
  • 1
    @stackodev I believe in you!
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