Give me a good reason to hate python language

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    Everything is a global isn't good enough?
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    (comment to comment above: there is nothing global in it. importing system works fine to import only precise objects)
    and private objects are possible too... they are just a bit more of a convention than real private
    objects though.

    good reason:
    it is slow as fuck.
    40 times slower than golang
    20-30 times slower than javascript
  • 5
    * backwards incompatibility hell of doom. things can break even between minor versions.

    * the import system is the worst i've ever had to work with.

    * indentation by spaces to define code blocks

    * no type safety.
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    @darkwind 👀 there is nothing global in Python? Dafuq??

    x = "doesn't have globals my lord!"

    def myfunc():
    print("Python " + x)

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    @C0D4 I mean that all you need to use different python file/package, and your global space is already void unless you import something from those files.
    U aren't really exposed to mistakes of others.
    Just don't make new ones ;)
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    @darkwind You can't have 3 functions and only export 2 of them. There's absolutely no way to have two functions share some code without exposing that code as a public function, unless you use some really nasty hacks and scope manipulation. Therefore it's also completely impossible to tell whether users of your code or library rely on some auxiliary code they're not meant to and whether you can safely change it. Which leads us to what @tosensei said about things breaking even between minor versions.
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    build something useful
  • 5
    You shouldn't hate a language *

    * JavaScript excluded

    Python is okay. Just use the right tool for the job.
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    Plenty of reasons to not use it in certain situation, plenty of reasons to use it in others. Don't be a fanboy
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    ! || && does not work. You have to write not, or, and. I hate this, is such a stupid decision. Every time i use Python and need to use one of them i get an error.

    I love Python, especially the fact that it uses whitespace instead of {}, but removing || && ! is annoying.
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    It isn't strongly statically typed.
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    Hate is a strong word, but a good reason for it to annoy you is people thinking it's the right tool for every job.

    Also pip.

    And Django's redefinition of MVC.
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    Maybe just a rant in dynamic languages.

    Horrible to debug a python monolith, or just bad python code, very hard to know the type returned by a function so hard to know what's in it or how to work with it without printing or actually running it yourself. (Btw if I'm being an idiot please educate me on how to be better at debugging this as I really suffer with this)
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    indentation errors.

    what to other languages is nothing more than visual aid is a breaking issue for a python dev
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    slow as heck. also what's the deal with matrixes in that thing?
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