Is it true that the seo guys get more ++ because they know how to tag the post in a manner that keeps it on top in algo list?

  • 1
    Ha that would be clever! Our SEO is pretty lousy, will be working on that in the near future to help more devs discover devRant
  • 0
    @trogus so, 2 years down the line, did you guys work on it yet? Or it's like all devs here. Feature is yet in plan?
  • 0
    @srivmanu we put in the basics for SEO-friendliness a year or two ago, and it's been slowly building up since then. Much better than it was!
  • 1
    @trogus well, I rejoined again for some rants, and thought I should just ask.
    Glad the foundation is underway, hopefully it will be successfully worked up on in upcoming times!
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