That specific moment a C# Developer (me) makes an API for Modding his own game but the mod language is Lua.

(And it works)

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    Call me an idiot because i never did mod support. But didn't .net have tools to make .dlls load externally for this purpose?
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    @Bacontaskmaster it totally does but then my API won't worked and I almost fuckt my whole project up :D those damn dependencies
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    @SteffTek i feel you there, better a safe lua api then a strange dll implementation. I just wish there was a typescript variant of lua. I wrote in minecrafts computercrafts mod once, made a neat ui and all as a storage monitor computer. Then fucked something up and i never found out where i was messing with the original reference or copy or hell what do i know.

    Lua has no predefined types. Wierd object structure that seems to be just a dict <str,str>. And doesn't have a clear way to see if something is a copy or a reference and it always fucks me over if i try to act like it is C# :(
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    @Bacontaskmaster the reason why I choosed Lua: just type sth in no need to compile and you have full access. But Everytime I make a change to my API I need to try out everything because I don't know that stupid syntax well enough 😂😂
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    @SteffTek write a test file and keep it around, pray to the gods when changes happen.
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