Relying on Chrome to remember all my passwords. I have no idea any more what passwords I have chosen for several important sites. Don't even want to think about what happens the day I switch PC or reset that cache somehow.

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    I'm not much of a privacy freak, so I let Google store my chrome bookmarks and passwords online...It still has login credentials I used to have 10 years agi
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    Sorry. Privacy freak in me died.
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    I like chrome's password manager. It gets the job done. I don't remember my passwords either 😂
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    I also use chromes password manager. I left my chrome logged in on a lab computer once, another comp sci student logged into a few of his accounts before realizing. So he cleared all of chromes saved data. It sucked so hard. Took me weeks to get everything back to reasonable, XD.
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    I use google password manager all the time.
    Beware of sync - I tried to sync passwords on new devices. I miss configured sync and blew up all my passwords.

    As a backup once a while, I export and save encrypted passwords.
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    I do the same but with Firefox (somehow trusting Mozilla a bit more than Google, as I have sync activated)

    Waiting for my Multipass Mini (from Kickstarter) and then changig all my passwords, to calm the screaming me in my head :P
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    LastPass LastPass LastPass ... It'll change your life!
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    passwords.google.com is one of the best things in my life
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