
I got through the first stage for a summer internship at Amazon. They send me a link to a technical test with a 7 day deadline to complete.

The link brings me to a 404 page. Fuck.

I contact customer support, reach out to Amazon directly, don't get any response whatsoever. The week has passed and the link is still dead and I s received no word from them.

FML. And fuck Amazon for teasing me like this and for having such shitty technical support.

  • 28
    Did you view the source for the 404 page? Maybe it's a test within a test...

    Meh, I'm probably giving them too much credit... 🤓
  • 26
    @cdrice I can confirm it was a test of a test, it's a fake 404 with the basics of looking at source to find the real link to start it, sorry op
  • 2
    @Ronald He didn't start the internship yet, so what connection is he supposed to make?
  • 0
    @Ronald how did you end up at such a conclusion; that is nothing like my original post XD
  • 0
    @gears @cdrice I already looked at the source and console and page inspection and there is nothing there. It would have been clever for them to do that, but I honestly think I ended up with a genuine 404 page.

    What is bothering me, though, is Amazon not responding whatsoever...
  • 1
    @Koolstr did you check the headers? (⌒o⌒)
  • 0
    @gears That would be pushing it quite a bit though, don't you think?
  • 2
    @Koolstr not at all, I once have a review that took me over 3 hours to finally see they key I was looking for was in the literal packet sent by the server to my client test app and I had to dig really deep to find that information to continue, some companies are very serious about the kind if people they are looking for.
  • 0
    @gears Interesting. Welp let's hope they weren't that serious >. <
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