So I hear that there's a chrome extension that blocks United Airline flights on travel sites...

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    Like seriously?
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    I feel pretty horrible for that asian guy but let's be honest... he could have just stood up and walked out after they asked him to leave and just took the money and hotel
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    @Jacoba1717 but he didn't have to leave, he had a job to do the next day, and he rightfully paid for his seat
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    @calmyourtities it is crappy don't get me wrong but any private company has the right the refuse a customer paying or not right? If he was a dock worker at a warehouse and not a doctor I don't think people would be so upset as well. I just think it's a harambe 2.0 you know? Everyone just thinks they are so important but in the grand scheme of life it doesn't matter.
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    @Jacoba1717 I honestly think that if he paid for his seat, he has as much right as anyone else. He shouldn't of had his seat taken away just because he was "randomly chosen." Is it his fault the flight was overbooked? He shouldn't have to give up his seat if he paid.
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    Actually I don't care if he was a party clown/part time crack dealer with a acapella group. Who or what he was is irrelevant. He paid for his seat and he didn't break the law or endanger anyone. United overbooked. What they did was completely unacceptable and indefensible.
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