
Come on devRant! I’m getting really annoyed when clicking on rant that has [read more] at the end since it is a gamble to kill this iOS app you have made. Every ~5th click I get app terminated. Then after I reenter the app, I lost where I was. Thats why I ++ all the rants I have read, even those who don’t deserve it :), so I can scroll quickly and see which are not ++’ed.

  • 3
    Ehh. Site is maintained by 2 people. Could be worse.
  • 0
    Pleased to report a flawless experience with none of these issues on the Android app, sounds like you brought the curse of Apple on yourself 😉
  • 0
    When in doubt press the big red button that says "warning: don't press!"

    Could be worse.

    Could be eating rats you caught and boiled into stew in an old tin can.

    or maintaining stack overflow.
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