
Interviewer: Alright, so tell me what you like about software, but you don't have to limit it to software you can talk about hardware too. But yes what do you like about software?


  • 8
    "Alright you know what, if you hire me I'll give you a course on Hardware/software basics for free!"
  • 1
    Me: Yeah I like big butt and boobs... But let's talk about vagina.
  • 1
    Why not just say hardware and software not the problem but could optimise some code to replace the interviewer with random list of random non relevant questions watches for face to drop
  • 0
    Also what do you like about living?
  • 0
    When he likes software but also interested in your hardware
  • 1
    I like the 0s and 1s the most! But mostly the 1s though...
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