Trying jQery in Electron = Disaster....

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    Why not? I use jquery in electron all of the time
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    @fyroc I'm currently trying datepicker in Electron from one example. It fucking work in normal browser but not in Electron. Done with the jQuery thing still not working... No idea whats the reason no error in console nothing even jQuery is working but not for thay datepicker
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    Are you including jquery correctly? It's not done like a normal website.
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    Yea, I've done that. I think the problem is with other dependencies.
    Tried one click example it's working fine. But something is wrong with datepicker... It's just not popping up lol
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    Is jquery-ui installed as a dependency?
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    Nope.... I need that too?
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    Date picker is a jquery ui thing
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    But but... It work perfectly fine if i run it normally in browser.
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    Fml, my English is bad I'm confused between "on browser" or "in browser"
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    Nvm, got ng-flat-datepicker. But, still don't know why that example is not working tbh...
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    Because it's JavaScript
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    Even, i had one problem yesterday about slow rendering for angular solved using normal for loop... Fml
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    @lazysnail try Flatpickr, awesome date picker that works with jQuery
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    @fyroc can you help me for one thing? Electron with AngularJs is good? or should I go for other library/framework?(I'm using MongoDb).
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    @lazysnail Angular is great for Electron. Check this out.


    This is a framework using SQLite but should be easy to implement mongodb
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    @fyroc I just tried packaging the app its fucking big.... 80MB...
    And even it didn't took CDNs which i used(don't know it should take or not) or I have to add them all manually?
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    @lazysnail Electron apps are always going be huge. I think the smallest I got was 35mb. Remember that it's basically a mini node web server.
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    @fyroc I think I'm doing something wrong or maybe the whole idea is wrong lol.
    I have REST api(node and express) and I'm using that to fetch results from mongodb. But after packing why it's not working or I've to do other thing to make it work?
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    Do you have CORS enabled on your API server
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    @fyroc Solved that after 3damn hours, don't know why but packager didn't took one dependency so I put manually. It's working fine now.
    But, I'm thinking I'll build this in Angular2. And Thank you very much for answers and suggestions, i really appreciate that.
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    @ChainsawBaby also works without jquery as well
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