giving up on projects when i run into problems above my knowledge level

  • 3
    I'm similar but with a twist.

    My passions are frequently drowned in a sea of work-related demands on my time and attention.

    It's not that I don't want to learn, it's that I can't learn without forgetting something that pays my bills.
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    @sariel yeah I'm too tired most of the time to actually sit down and study something at home
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    I'm usually the opposite on this, I research stuff without any problems but cannot implement them in any meaningful way before I give up
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    i tend to give up on (hobby) projects as soon as i stop running into problems above my knowledge level.
    because while that's happening, the project is learning and exploration of new ideas and things, therefore interesting.

    as soon as it stops happening, it's "oh yeah, i know how to do all the rest so now it's just boring mechanical codemonkeying"
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    @Midnight-shcode very accurate, the moment my curiosity is sated i begin to doze off on the keybs
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    Few time I gave up projects because theirs difficulties. It happens when I'm trying to do something beyond my knowledge, one of them I hope to try again, it was a NEAT genetic algorithm, I was reading a lot of articles to understand how it works, and my English in that epoch was worse than today rsrs, also I tried to make it using JavaScript and it is not my main language. Even loving challenges, some times we need to put our foot on the ground and try something easier and funny, in the reality I think that funny is the key to keep doing something.
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    @rittmann my code obvs says 69 instead of hello world
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    yes i agree with the others on this, don't give up, at least not until you've assessed and analyzed each problem thoroughly enough to the point where it doesn't seem to be working - maybe you're overthinking it.

    personally, whenever i encounter a problem of such difficulty, i simply break it down into smaller chunks and further analyze. once done, i put it all together like done for a sentence.
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    I think there’s a difference between “above” knowledge level and “outside of current” knowledge level. For example, I’m an IT Developer, not a hard-core software engineer. Writing image rendering software is above my personal knowledge level (speaking for myself here). Now, if my boss came to me and said I need a CRUD website written in Ruby on Rails, that’s “outside” my knowledge but something I can learn since I have basics of web and database development. However, at that point I’d ask why we’re going outside our normal tech stack on the team, which would likely lead to some silly answer I would challenge. I guess my point is that it’s great to learn new tools, but sometimes the real skill is keeping morons in line.
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