My friend called me and told me "My I.T teacher said I.E is the safest browser.". I began sighing then he continued on "He said Firefox, the Chromium project and other open source browsers are all unsafe. Because Open Source = More Vulnerabilities".

I only replied with this sentence.
"tell your teacher to eat a dick."

  • 2
    The teacher isn't wrong
  • 12
    @Justananon good luck developing for IE and have fun :]
  • 8
    So windows is more safe than linux? (Which is open source)
  • 5
    @pagrette fuck logic :D
  • 30
    Safest pc is the unusable one
  • 6
    check who pays the teacher...
  • 6
    @magicMirror NSA. They'd rather keep the vulnerabilities to themselves
  • 5
    @krishnac7 i had this in my gallery :D
  • 5
    @Justananon is right as @krishnac7 said:
    It's for sure very safe, because no one uses it, so no one did developed or researched vulnerabilities for it, 😂😂.
    IE just die, and your teacher should consider working in grocery store.
  • 4
    Your data won’t be stolen


    If the webpage doesn’t even load
  • 2
    @pagrette Yes, Windows is much much more safe than Linux, I have seen a lot of data proving this, despite popular opinion on the matter. People who use Linux are (In general) much smarter, however, and less viruses are developed for linux systems for many reasons.

    Just as a side note: I don't mean to say people who use Windows are less smart, just that there are a lot more computer illiterate people on Windows who just need a laptop for work or Netflix or something.
  • 5
    @AlgoRythm saying one is safer than the other without backing it up with sources or arguments is pretty moot though. Pointless speak from the professor as well as people in this thread
  • 4
    He's correct that people can use the source to their advantage and find more vulnerabilities, however, there would also be a lot more people trying to secure it, instead of just the original development team.
  • 3
    @krishnac7 how about a PC turned off?
  • 0
    You cannot use a turned off pc, so i guess yeah @caramelCase :p
  • 0
    I'd say that the safety level of an OS it's dependant on the user abilities.

    I've been running Windows for years, without an antivirus and have never ever caught a single virus. Also I've been using Linux for developing and other stuff.
  • 0
    @rtfm Just as you check manually on Linux, I do my checks on Windows, you know, analyzing processes, checking for unusual network traffic and whatsoever
  • 0
    @rtfm Yeah, rootkit checking would be hell, hahaha. Not having a malware/antivirus running leverages resource usage. Also, I just check when I know I've downloaded a suspicious file or something, it's not like I'm checking everyday, hahaha
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