
>Be me
>Decided to annoy a friend somehow
>Found a VBScript on the Internet
>VBScript runs, waits for 30 minutes, and then ejects the disc drive every 5 minutes
>Sneakily hide and execute the VBScript on friend's laptop before class
>*Patiently waits*
>It begins
>Friend casually closes the disc tray the first time
>See him gradually get annoyed and descend into madness before I tell him what in tarnation is happening
>Such fun

  • 7
    > be you
    > start out similar to me
    > write in greentext too
    > AreWeTheSameDudes.gif
    > inb4 starting greentext trend on devrant
  • 5
    >be me
    >be 14yo
    >Freshly in highschool
    >Do the same thing as OP
    >We had 16 desktop PC's in the room
    >The script has been spread among all computers
    >After half an hour people try to sync the drive opening/closing by holding the thing where you insert the disk
    >A friend of mine has written a simple batch script to kill my script
    >War began and nothing was like before...

    Conclusion: War... War never changes...
  • 1
    >same idea as OP
    >get to classmate's computer and into .bashrc
    >Eject -T and sleep and repeat
    >Frustration begins and entertains
    >Tries to do it to nubby first years who stayed logged in (I go uni and demonstrate for lower years)
    >New computers don't have disk drives -_-
  • 1
    Greentext isn't even supported in devRant... Why? Just why?
  • 2
    They're pretending to be misplaced oldfags
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