Social media makes me toxic. Yet I could not leave it. Best I could do was reducing insta connection below 40. Is there a social media discourager app?

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    iOS = screen time
    Android = I'm sure there's an equivalent

    Desktop = PiHole with domain blocking.

    The real problem is, restraining yourself from bypassing these things.
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    Then again, being aggressively insulting completely out of nowhere is sometimes very freeing.
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    there are apps to help track addiction, and they have the social media addiction as an option. if you look I'm sure you find one at the app store
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    I feel you. I have been there.

    I have a word of advice.

    Delete your fb account.
    Delete your instagram account.
    Delete messenger, tik-tok, snap, whatever.

    Delete everything and start actually doing stuff.

    Call the ones that you want to be close with. It feel awkward first but SMS is still quite the thing!

    Schedule a weekly get-together with a friend or friends.

    Start the hobby you always thought you might like but did not ”find the time for”.

    You can do it. And do it slowly. Do not rush things.
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    @C0D4 : Android: Digital Wellbeing
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    @sideshowbob76 i will do some of those things for starters. But my instagram is really for insta worthy people that do not shitpost. I think my main problem is with 9gag/reddit. 9gag can be deleteable but I really need some subreddits. I need to stay away from curated contents like insta’s discover, reddit’s new/popular and whole of 9gag.

    I read some threads, look at memes and always argue with strangers like moron. Luckily i did not lower myself to tiktok/snapchat
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    I have the opposite problem. I only use social media so I can talk about my app and promote it. I find making posts exhausting and anxiety inducing. I find scrolling through feeds exhausting and depressing. Apart from the odd giggle from something funny I don't know why anyone would voluntarily waste any of their time on social media.
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    just unintsall reddit 9gag and insta. If you dont uninstall them you will find yourself getting back to them always.. If they are uninstalled you usually wont try them again
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    @joewilliams007 truth!
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    Deleted 9gag, biggest time sink of them all. Will reduce number of subreddits I follow even more. Stay tuned.
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    You can do it!
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    I feel the same way, I enabled a 20 minutes a day for Instagram but it has a skip time button that I still end up using anyways
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    Feedback: I removed 9gag, Reddit and Twitter. Big Boss instagram still remains. But on Instagram, I rarely see quality humor content in the dumpster of "heavy make up young woman + background song + some text + weird gestures" combo videos.

    I don't binge content-check that much compared to old days but my Instagram use definitely increased. But not to compensate enough for lack of the three I mentioned.

    All in all, nice progress.
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    Sometimes I think about this too. But I couldn’t do without social networks. And when it came to developing my business, I chose to invest in social media, which required some tool. This source assisted me with this, and I can buy Youtube subscribers with PayPal https://instapowerful.com/buy-youtu... Lately, this has been a necessary measure for me to increase interest in my YouTube channel.
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