You can kill me for this...
I've one old printer and and I wanted to print some pages. So I did following steps

1. Plugged printers power cable and turned it on.
2. Connected included cable to printer.
3. Opened PDF and tried to print
4. Did step 3 for fucking 20minutes

What went wrong?
I fucking forgot to connect USB cable to my fucking laptop. FML...

  • 8
    @lazysnail I am ready to do it. Just write a letter to save me from any legal problems indicating that I was just trying to fulfill your wish.
  • 0
    @KartikShetty...... Go study, shush..!
  • 2
    @lazysnail No. Have to plan on what would be the best way to kill you. BEWARE!!!!!!
  • 2
    @KartikShetty try this .... worth it
  • 2
    Pebcap, problem exists between computer and printer, I guess.
  • 1
    Name checks out
  • 1
    @Jilano Yeah good idea infect his toner with some poisonous stuff. Or else if it connected to network send malicious code through print stream printing out "hail ISIS" texts and images. Police will handle the rest. (*evil smirk)
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