When you don't pay your Web Developer.


  • 8
    Thats cool and all but theyll get wiped more than likely. Just like when Snapchat or whatever it was had a 1 star on the play store and then they got wiped for being “spam” or some shit
  • 5
    @Stuxnet on second thought, what if someone actually build website to write about this and tell their story?

    Oh wait..... there's ✨devrant ✨
  • 3
    Should host their site on AWS and then everyone spams it with bullshit traffic.

    Don't want to pay your developer? Pay your bills. Then you still need to pay your developer.

    Even better if they can't shut it off because the developer has the access and just keep getting hammered for costs until Amazon shuts it down for non-payment.
  • 2
    @sariel this is evil and i love this idea. Im going use this .
  • 2
    Is there actually an unpaid dev - or is this a competitor going hard on a smear campaign?

    How to prove one or the other?
  • 0
    @fruitfcker which subreddit was that? Can I join?
  • 0
    @fruitfcker "Hello world " hahahaha
  • 1
    Honestly Im amazed at the effort the web developer took to create all the fake accounts and bots to put those reviews... Reads like proza
  • 1
    @NeatNerdPrime He probably didn't wrote them himself. Normally, there are a lot of people out there that are willing to help a human in distress - especially when it only involves writing a fake review.
  • 1
    That is golden
  • 0
    So I'm a little late to the party, but what was there?
  • 2
    @iSwimInTheC shit ton of 1 star reviews
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