This onion made me cry

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    Me too 👀
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    Tastes good tho.

    Please don't fry it. Don't spoil the taste
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    @netikras yea... Eat the onion after I murdered the onion 😈😈😈
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    I am always moved by onions too
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    Random indeed.
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    ...You will not believe what happened next!
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    @Oktokolo and I burnt those onions in the lake of fire.🔥 And I ate it 😈😈😈
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    @johnmelodyme Tell me seven amazing things of the lake of fire most ignored their whole life.
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    @Oktokolo only one reason , I got to watch the onions were having affair with chicken eggs and chillies steps into the pan spice the affair up in the fire.
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    @johnmelodyme I guess, that dirty onions had that bald eggs going all over them... But how did that change your life forever - what unexpected twist happened after the chilli joined the pan?
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    @Oktokolo nothing changed my life. But eventually the onion will becoming the ashes of my faeces. 😁😁😁😈😉
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    @johnmelodyme How does burning faeces make the world a better place? And what is the five unexcpected uses of that ash of wich the third will amaze me?
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