
What are you guys studying/what are your professions? What do you think of your study or profession? Also, what do you develop/what do you use to develop? I'm going to be studying bioinformatics next year, we'll be using java and python. The idea is to write programs that can find links in big data that stems from research on diseases and genetics. My two favourite subjects were always biology and computer science, (even though computer science in my middle school is a joke) so this study really appealed to me. I'm curious about you guys.

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    In my final year. Love ML and trying to understand and learn more about it. Have developed a social sute for clg project with little bits of ML in it.
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    UI Engineer and while there are not many of us find it to be a good skillset to have as it means you create functional designs rather than just pretty ones.
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    My housemate/coworker studied bioinformatics, doing exact same thing; analyzing diseases (cancer research) :O. I however quit school hoping to become a game developer. Started as support to be sysadmin after and ended up as a developer now..

    We chose different paths however our paths crossed and we both didn't end up being who we wanted to be.. Yet...
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    I’m a 4th year PhD student in neurobiology but I do mostly bioinformatics. I specialize in studying the gene expression at the single cell level (scRNA-seq) in neurodegeneration and aging. I think that there is so many degrees of being a bioinformatician and that all are relevant and needed. I personally try to aim at the middle: being able to do wet lab and drylab stuff. I mostly use R for data analysis, but I also manipulate a mix of bash and python to process the sequencing data beforehand.
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