
For the past few months I've developed an oridinary digital shopping list. Just a simple web app written in php, HTML5, CSS3, JS and MySQL. From knowing nothing to having this feels great. Think what you want about it, but I'm quite proud of myself. First programming project, ever.

If you want to try it head over to https://app.esyshop.se.

Passwords are hased and salted with bcrypt.

  • 1
    It's very nice and elegant, but maybe a little overkill for its current state. We're you going to add some store APIs to help figure out pricing, or were you going to sit on the current implementation?

    Don't get me wrong, it's a stunning website, but I don't know if I'm seeing your full picture just yet.

    Tl;Dr - give me your elevator pitch 🙂
  • 2
    @RiderExMachina I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, i have some ideas but they're not possible as it's only a website and not an actual app.

    Described more in detail here:
  • 1
    Looks nice, did you use any php/js frameworks?

    Maybe you can try to add multiple lists and make them shareable between users. imagine a family organizing their household as a use case, but everyone still wants to manage their private lists as well.
  • 0
    @timihg I used the goRatchet css framework and font awesome icons, that's it.
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