
Google searching should be a school subject. There is so much people that dont know how to use it

  • 7
    Yeah, i always see people googling google
  • 7
    I saw people yahooing, dicksuckgoing, and msning google.
  • 9
    I have seen people opening edge, typing Google in Bing, clicking on the first link, then typing their content on the Google search bar
  • 5
    @CozyPlanes I think u meant duckduckgo'ing
  • 10
    @sam9669 shit. Autocorrect.. Lol i am not going to edit it just for fun.
  • 2
    I agree. Advanced Google searching is an art. It is amazing what you can discover!
  • 0
    It is in my school 😡
  • 0
    To be sure, there are plenty of things taught in school that people still have no idea about.
  • 0
    I'm trying to teach my mom how to use google haha
  • 0
    Well seriously I had a chapter dedicated to searching on Internet at School
  • 1
    Had a calculus teacher in high school who indirectly taught our class how to use Google. "Oh you don't understand this concept? Google it."

    He was the most hated teacher, because he never actually taught. Probably the most useful info I ever learned in a class though. Lol
  • 1
    *many, not much. People are a discrete quantity, not a continuous quantity.
  • 2
    This is actually completely true.

    I didn't know people like "them" existed.

    A while ago a guy who went to school with me started coding and got employed by a company as a tester. To my everlasting shock, he told me this: "I'm just getting used to this new process of finding things, I didn't know so much programming things existed through Google. I also found how to report a bug in our testing tool. I didn't know so much was out there. Ofcourse, a programmer helped me find it on Google."

    I was like:
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