Why does DevRant not have "Login with Google/Facebook" functionality yet ??

  • 19
    Because the devRant devs were not completely braindead.
  • 11
    because nobody wants that crap (except facebook and google. because they want your data)
  • 13
    It's 2022, you still use Facebook. 😔

    A "login with GitHub" would make 90000000% more sense then a "login with stalkerbook"
  • 12
    @C0D4 that's technically correct, because 90000000% of zero is zero.
  • 7
    @tosensei finally, I passed a math test 🥳
  • 5
    If it wasn't for the "yet" in your question I wouldn't be mildly pissed off 😅
  • 3
    Login with Facebook is a BAD idea. I already lost a couple of accounts for that. Specifically Level Up Life. It hurt so much. :((
  • 2
    Why? Don't want google or other services to track my rantings. Screw them
  • 3
    I think with that you've officially announced that you're on the wrong platform
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