
So I just finished a group project for a database class, it's an open project and we made a website that is basically like rate your professor. We spent tons of time on it and the website is finally settled. But that's not the point, I won't put the URL here, I just wanna say:

I fucking hate php. Fuck it.

Just fuck it

  • 5
    If you hate PHP so much, you're probably doing it wrong (no offense)
  • 0
    @liammartens technically I learned php when I got this project.... but the experience has just been bad, sooooooo bad
  • 2
    @K-ASS get some more experience then 😉 I may be biased because I like PHP in general but either way it can be really really good if you do it right ☺
  • 0
    Use JavaScript next time.
  • 1
    find some ide. these semicolon problems looks kinda kiddy
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