I can't get anything done
I know I want or have to do something, but I always waste my time on something completely unrelated.
Afterwards I feel bad, and when I notice what I should've done and what I actually did I get a bit depressed

I just don't have the self-discipline for this shit, and I have no idea how to get it

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    I used to have the same problem . The thing is that you have to concentrate on the smallest task possible and complete them . The more you want and have to do, the more you lose focus
  • 1
    I started breaking shit down into lists. Whenever you finish something, look at the list.

    Make the items simple and specific. "Work on project" is too vague. If you are like me, that mean clean desk, watch YouTube(tutorials of course.... Then cat videos 3 minutes in), stuff like that. Instead write "pick a framework". Might be 30 seconds, but you did it and now you can either take another task or go fuck around for awhile. Helps me(a procrastinator) actually get shit done haha.

    Or do time limits. 15 minutes of actual work, then you can do something else.

    Finally, never beat yourself up. Failed today? Don't double work tomorrow, just do it tomorrow.

    Good luck!! :)
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    @owithg using a Todo list, I don't get shit done
    I tried doing the timer thing with scheduled breaks, I somehow manage to break it

    Telling myself to do something tomorrow means basically a year

    Well, I need to manage this somehow, thanks for the luck, I'll need it

    Btw, I just blocked YouTube, It was eating up any time I had left, but I still don't get shit done
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