Google: secure api keys in cordova

Results says I cant or I can but my brain dont understand the method

I'm banging my head against the wall aaaaaarghh

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    What exactly seems confusing?
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    @burmesepornstar I want to use aws for my app, so i did some digging.

    Some that I found was create an api of my own. But doesnt that seems the same? If I want to secure it, I'd need the keys or some sort , right?

    Some says that u cant, go native. But there must be a way right?

    I don't understand, which way to go about it. too noob lol. Felt so overwhelmed doing this 😢
  • 1
    @alqaline94 so that way even native android apps need security. I can use Charles proxy or whatever to intercept http calls my phone makes (even https). I can find out the end points and the structure of data sent.

    What you want is maybe a login feature for users. On login I get a token, that token is saved in local storage. Backend verifies that each request has a valid token and returns data corresponding to that user.
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