
We recently hired a fronted dev and she got confident enough to suggest we use nodejs, my literal reply:

We hired you so we would not have to deal with JavaScript.

Should see her face 😂

  • 1
    😂😂😂😂. that is awesome!
  • 0
    Girls with Nodes.. 😁
  • 0
    Wait. Do you mean you hired her to handle all of the JavaScript or you don't want to use JavaScript at all?
  • 0
    Savage 😂
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    I am not sure....
    Bt I think nodejs is not for frntend dev....
  • 1
    @jaydev Yes, Node.js is Backend development language..
  • 2
    @jaydev exactly , its backend JavaScript , hence the rant 😛
  • 1
    Node is kind of nice!
    (NPM is not.)
  • 0
    @Ashkin do u use node?
  • 1
    @jaydev Not intentionally. I'm a full-stack rails dev who's working on an Electron/Angular (and therefore node) app.

    But from my exposure to node over the last year, I kind of like it.
  • 0
    @Ashkin n u dont like npm....?
  • 5
    @jaydev NPM has problems, and it encourages bad practices.

    There has been a bug for several years now where NPM silently fails to install arbitrary sub-dependencies. It also generates an insanely deeply-nested node_modules directory instead of using a flat module store. This makes deleting a project on Windows very difficult, among other things.

    It also encourages using packages for everything, and effectively reinforces the myth that "someone else's code is always better." Not only is this a dangerous thing to teach, its practice encourages projects (including larger packages) to have hundreds of dependencies, thus exacerbating the aforementioned node_modules issues.

    There was also that `leftpad` fiasco some time ago.
  • 0
    @Ashkin technically u r right...
    Bt every thing has a downside...
    I think u write functionilities ur self...
  • 2
    @Ashkin Yarn?
  • 6
    I like Node.js and have tried to train the front end devs in it. The backend guys didn't like it. They are cult followers of Python. 😂
  • 0
    And that's where her face rested
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