Just a polite question, can I be toxic here? Cuz I can be really pissed sometimes...

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    Anger? yes, absolutely. The more anger the better you’ll fit in.

    Toxic? I suppose; freedom of speech and all. Just not towards devRant.
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    Just don't be an asshole™. Apart from that it's all fair game 👍
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    Who the fuck do you think you are coming here and being toxic?

    Carry on.
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    Toxic to other ranters? No.
    Toxic to your boss? Yes please :D
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    @AlgoRythm Formal rules 😴😴
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    Don't care, you do you. Just keep in mind same rules apply to everyone else. If you're a dick to anyone present here, prepare to be dicked back, that's all.
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    @Hazarth dick loop or dick recursion?
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    @AlgoRythm what is the difference between gender and gender identity? (asking for a freind)
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    @bioDan I believe the formal definition is that one is real and one is fake
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    I might not ask toxic questions, but sometimes I do toxic comments. In a previous thread about (forgot who it was) someone hiring a dev and getting inappropriate questions (wanting to get set up with someone for sex) I made comments like "I will be that guy, where is the guy from?"

    Because I know that some people from a particular set of cultures do have a tendency to ask highly inappropriate questions.

    As a Mexican I do not get to be racist, but I do get to recognize that some people do ask some weird shit online.
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    Toxic as in pushing you to the nuclear waste? Sure. But don’t kill me after you get super powers.
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    @Demolishun or maybe even dick tree?
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    @thebiochemic I have thought about this. Dick tree sounds like someone had a horrible accident.
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