Im really tired

  • 1
    What happened to Jigsaw? Last time I saw a thread on the mailing list about how difficult it makes lives for other apps/frameworks out there, I doubted if it will make it to 9 or just get released breaking stuff that people depended on all along
  • 1
    This is so stupid it's funny
  • 0
    @asgs Redhat and IBM want to wait longer. Oracle wants to deploy as planned.
  • 0
    Wow this is creative
  • 0
    Is there anything special about Java 9 that would make it a good language?
  • 0
    @Krokoklemme Jigsaw is the major change that is being brought. Not onlu does it help modularize all Java apps but the JDK/JRE itself (which means you can ship a much slimmer JRE to your clients). Apart from that, Jshell, the much needed REPL makes its debut, a bunch of API updates (Process, Http2, Streams, Nashorn), jlink, compact Strings, AOT compilation (experimental). You should take a look at OpenJDK homepage. It is as if the largest update to Java ever
  • 0
    @asgs so it's an update for the JVM and not Java as a language?

    Since I'm doing a bit of Kotlin, I might be interested
  • 0
    @Krokoklemme updates to both
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