
This happened at my last internship. There was this other intern and he was a TO THE FUCKING MAX windows fanboy and whenever someone said something bad about windows he'd go full rage. Also, he'd sometimes spend half an hour at my desk explaining why windows was the best and Linux sucked.

This one time, I read about a newly discovered windows vulnerability and told the employees so they'd update quickly and they were like ' thanks for the notification mate!' And then that guy came up to me telling that 'Linux also has severe vulnerabilities sometimes'. YES I FUCKING KNOW THAT I'M JUST TRYING TO GET PEOPLE TO UPDATE FOR THEIR SECURITY YOU FUCKING ASSHAT. I got really mad. Still, fuck that guy.

  • 6
    lolz @ "asshat" 😃
  • 13
    Oh man, I wish I knew someone like that. I'd be trolling so hard every day I'd never get any work done.
  • 0
    I would have this is sparta'd that guy out from the last floor
  • 3
    I really don't get how people can be windows *fanboys*.

    I mean, I won't hate on people for running windows because it's a necessity for them, and I won't hate on people who use windows because it came preinstalled on their machine and they're fine with it.

    But how can anyone in their right mind defend it as a better OS?
  • 1
    @bittersweet Well i really like it and I'd never use Linux on my private machine but on my workstation I am happy with Linux and so am I with Linux on my raspberry
  • 0
    @dsteiner So you're not really a fanboy, just a multi os user.
  • 1
    @bittersweet I used to be a windows fanboy but times changed.
  • 0
    @dsteiner a fan or a fanboy?
  • 1
    @linuxxx depends on your definition of fanboy. I was once asked if I want to join Microsoft as a Windows and Windows Phone Evangelist.
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