
In this episode of "office drama", we have the head secretary asking me if I want to contribute to the gift for the baby of some guy I don't know well. (I'm new to the office btw)
When I refuse, saying that I don't know him well enough to want to contribute, she says "that's okay, but we won't be collecting for a gift for you once you have a baby. We want to be a '''team''' ".


I just said "that's fair", but maaaaaaaan! Since when is it okay to demand that someone participates in a gift, while ignoring their social or financial circumstances? 😤

Update: went to her office to talk about this "being a part of the team" and clear things up. She said, and I quote "I don't have time for this". And by that, swords have been unsheathed. I guess there is no pleasing some people.

  • 4
    The same thing happened when Howard, the handyman, was retiring!!

  • 6
    "I guess there is no pleasing some people". Yeah exactly, don't even bother with people like this. She basically demanded you to participate while "asking" you, the bitch.
  • 3
    Some people are crazy.
  • 1
    @netikras hahahahaha this hits home.
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    Your office is so cheap they scalp employees for office gifts? What a shit show.
  • 4
    You know that you came into a real toxic environment when they greet you with a forced donation. It may sounds like they try to be helpful first - but often it is more like a cult...
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    @Oktokolo I suspected it might be so within the HR and secretaries tbh. Seemed a little chicken coop-y from the start. However I don't get to interact with them unless I want something, so there are boundaries they can't cross for the sake of their professional reputation. But we shall see. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Overall, I'm not looking for trouble, but I certainly always fail to be pushed around.
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    I'm against this.

    And the occasional forced social gatherings.

    And all the other ""nice"" things....

    ... That are in fact just chains to bind you together so you don't get the wrong idea of leaving.

    Especially when these ""nice"" things are used to segregate people.


    Like "everyone signed and paid for your gift except XY".

    These are things where I get really mad...

    Just wish people would realize that work is work and keep the so called "pleasantries" for private times.
  • 3
    @IntrusionCM My work throws parties. They pay for everything. Even if you cannot go they get your stuff and bring the leftovers for the break room. They aren't dicks about it. At the Christmas party they serve alcohol and host in a hotel so you can sleep it off. Open bar. The food is always really good and the prizes they give out can be spendy.
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    I wish I could like this.

    But in reality I sat in too many manager meetings and some managers have their very own idea of why they throw these parties.

    Alcohol is a good way to loosen up ones tongue - and some managers are out for the moment someone spills the tea. (truth).

    I'm very burned by most of the stuff I had to deal with in higher management, cause depending on what company / client, it's an ... very disturbing misanthropic place.

    I just think that mixing private and work is an entirely wrong idea. Especially when it comes to party and work.
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    @IntrusionCM I totally get where you are coming from. I have gone drinking with people from work and I didn't understand the social cues. It created problems. I won't "go drinking" with people from work anymore. I am okay with the parties at work, but not much else.
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    She sounds like the sort of person who's always busy doing precisely nothing, and acts like she owns the place and everyone in it. I've worked alongside a few of those.

    ...and they often haven't lasted long 🐱‍👤
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    "I don't have time for this."

    I thought they were trying to be a team? And they seemed they were trying to include you, at least regarding the money?
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    The only thing I'd like to do from this point onwards, would be to not get mixed up in the drama, stick to my own problems and definitely not get emotional or worked up over such things.

    If only anxiety would let me be, I could just brush past such events and not get myself entangled in things and people that could easily be ignored. I am trying to learn how to be an entrepreneur, and a good leader in the same sense. And insisting on solving every little thing that bothers me, just doesn't fit well with my target persona.
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    Update: she came by to apologize. I am severely surprised! 😕🤯
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    @Archive what was her reasoning/explanation of the apology? i'm curious if she actually understands why the apology is warranted, or if it was just a generic one with no understanding behind it.
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