
fuck me.

it's monday and to start in a new project I'm reading a paper my boss once wrote.
It's the worst I ever seen - stop using so much smart words and stop introducing fuckin smart math notations everywhere!!!

That fucker reads like a pretentious science lecture an my poor simple village brain doesn't like it

  • 4
    also I think I need a monocle to read some of those fancy sentence structures.
  • 3
    To be fair, we all write papers like that. Papers that are not written properly with proper terminology aren't taken seriously anyway
  • 1
    Horrible monday damn...

    But to be fair, maybe that is why he is your boss no ?
  • 0
    @Hazarth well terminology I get. I can look it up and thats fine and even useful

    but vomiting a thesaurus onto the keyboard?
    I thougt your supposed to look smart by the ideas and achievements you present not by using (permit, exploit, testify, succinct) instead of (allow, use, show, short)
    At least the papers I read so far used normal english
  • 1
    @Grumm thanks man.

    he's certainly smart and skilled.
    But so far also kinda good in wasting my time sometimes
  • 1
    @Jedidja the glasses you're wearing are really just two monocles, welded together.

    you're welcome.
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