When you show your work to your non-dev friend...

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    Know that feeling all to well fam. I'm working with AI and it feels like a miracle when my agents start to work. Still my friends don't understand my excitement. 😔
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    @pareion Congratulations
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    @pareion what AI field(s) do you work on?
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    @zshulu Machine Learning. We're focused around neural networks and neat but also have some of the lighter algorithms like minimax, hill climbing, qlearning etc.
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    @pareion very interesting; I've worked on classification problems some time ago and I found the deep learning workflow to be particularly convenient in some cases.
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    @zshulu Yeah though I'm still in school I too can see the vast applicability for ANN but we are only scratching the surface but would love to know more about neat and Neuroevolution
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    That's a nice ui though
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    Praise be 🤗
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