Oh my god, I'm basically at the verge of self-destruction! I've been trying all day to set up a simple Node server with react, but it's never that easy, is it? You need Babel to transpile ES6 + JSX to ES5, and then you need Webpack for god knows what reasons, and there are so man configuration files and options, and there are 1000 tutorials with 1001 ways to do something. I've created probably 20 new project because when I complete a tutorial and try to do something on my own, all hell is loose and I get some cryptic error message and am unable to ever get it to work. Holy cow, I need a drink... Am I just a retard? Greetings from Norway, by the way!

  • 4
    Had the same experience. Tried create-react-app. Found a reason to live on.
  • 3
    @MartyBeGood Yeah, actually knew about it, but this was my venture out in wild, from scratch. It's kind of crash and burn at this point, but we'll see! Thanks anyway, though! 😊
  • 2
    wanna PHP tonight? :p

    Welcome @MartyBeGood and @eirikvaa
  • 3
    Just focus on understanding each part in isolation. Don't copy and paste a whole file or project you find somewhere without dissecting it. If you don't research each piece now, you will later when it breaks and your system is more complex.
  • 1
    I got fired once for not being to setup properly! Fucking webpack and babels!!
  • 0
    Is it absolutely necessary to use react in your project?
  • 1
    Thanks guys! We are two consultants workings for this startup and we are free to pick what we want to develop with, but both of us were really interested in full-stack JavaScript with react. I'm a patient developer, so I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon. Thanks for the support! Devrant is a good place to rant! I didn't think I'd get any thumbs up or comments for this so I just posted it and forgot all about it..
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