People talking all day about how great and working from home is like it cured cancer! Got it, you like working from home now shut up and start making it into some sort of religion. Not everyone likes working, sleeping and being in the exact same spot, some people like interacting with other humans!

Nothing will replace being in the office with your colleagues, interacting like HUMANS

  • 12
    Even worse if you have other family members at home who think that, since you're at home, they can take you out from what you're doing at any time because you're not really working or anything, right?
  • 13
    Sorry but work is not my life, I couldn't care less about the people at the office.

    'some people like interacting with other humans!'

    So do you not like have any friends or is the office the only place you ever go to?
  • 2
    @ethernetzero don't get me started :))
  • 2
    @ElectroArchiver working with others requires interaction
  • 3
    You must be an alien to like interacting with humans
  • 5
    @AlexanderM I like to be in the office more than in the homeoffice. It's great to have the occasional chat, brainstorm new ideas or talk about stepping stones.
    Working at home is fine for me from time to time but too much of mixing the cozy home with stress from work kills the coziness.
    I call it "separation of stress".
  • 4
    I agree, if you have good coworkers especially its much more fun to go in to the office
  • 10
    You misunderstand the concept. WFH is not actually bound to the H part :) you can work from Mars, your mistresses' bedroom, trailer truck or whereever you like. Yes, even Disneyland.
  • 1
  • 0
    My work/home mode is so separate that I have trouble getting any work done from home. At the office though, I can focus great. Really like interacting with colleagues too. Sitting at home staring at a monitor makes me feel like a drone from a dystopian scifi movie within a day.
  • 0
    Ok mr LinkedIn ceo with commercial real estate investments
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