I went on an interview was given an algorithm to solve, solved it in 30 mins and they had allocated 20 mins for it. So I guess I suck. I build shit, I don't do algos that often so I'm obviously rusty.

interviewer: so why should we hire you over a CS graduate.

me: cause I can get shit done.

... akward silence

interviewer: what do you mean by that? like html and CSS?

me: as you can see, I have built large scale real-time web apps with React/Redux (the stack they supposedly use and the position they're hiring for!) the knowledge I have is practical, it can't be learned from books, and it can't be learned from a course. Only building, breaking and rebuilding over time will teach you this knowledge. So essentially a CS grad, who hasn't committed the same amount of hours as I have, can't possibly match me. But they probably can better explain the real world applications of using linked lists...and won't have to Google what Pascal's triangle is like I had to....

interviewer: I see. we will be in touch.

lol well I guess they'll be in touch..

  • 24
    That was a crap interview imposed on you by a crap employer. They wasted your valuable time. Death to all such interviews.
  • 10
    offtopic but understanding algorithms and types of structure is a really helpful thing if you need to create a big scalable app tho. dont underestimate it. being CS major doesnt mean shit if you are willing to learn. best of luck with the job hunt tho
  • 2
    @ljiech but don't you find that generally speaking when starting a large scale application you simply end up looking up the pros and cons of each DT and algorithm.This simpe act bypasses most of the C's majors knowledge.Making the OP's other skills significantly more valuable.
  • 3
    @orto Totally agree. I think the CS background is valuable but real world experience is important too. CS becomes more important when dealing with either massively large problems or scientific problems. Most programming is a lot more trivial than that (create a form, check it, save it, open it, edit it, etc.) so someone with current knowledge of relevant technologies would be very valuable.
  • 4
    @ninjatini its kind of like what DHH said,(I'm heavily paraphrasing). Linus is a computer scientist, I basically wright Todo lists for computers.
  • 2
    As much as i agree algo interviews are bullshit, you could explain why you're a better choice than the cs grad in a much better way.

    When saying you know how to build highly scalable apps that is too abstract. When asked this, you should delve into what issues you ran into and how you fixed them and shit.
  • 0
    I was reading Developer Hegemony and apparently interviews havent always been used in industries. Usually at most companies you just talk and go over a portfolio, you dont talk about trivia. In an interview I would rather know about how you used some CS knowledge in the real worls rather than get you to explain an algorithm.
  • 0
    @jshaker this was obviously only a portion of the conversation, which highlights my frustration with the process. We had already discussed my projects in detail and at length. And for this particular postion, I'd like to think my code speaks for itself.
  • 0
    When an application scales you need to know how to improve some procceses like sorts & searches. You can use baked solution, like databases sorts, but sometimes that is not enough and you need to customize something.

    If you're rusty in algos, maybe the best you can do is to say that you are out of practice but in 2 weeks you can perform nice. But in no case say that algos are not needed. That is a slap in the face of all current system infraestructure
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