Why does xcode take so much time to install? I am come on! I wasted 4 hours and it still isn't done.

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    So that you have some time to think different, obviously.
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    wait, you were able to install it, without updating macos first?
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    My M1 laptop took a reasonable amount of time. The i7......4 hours sounds right.

    I would love to know why the difference is so big.
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    I don't know anything about iOS app development but isn't there any Xcode alternative ?
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    Wtf is it doing in those 4+ hours?!
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    It’s downloading massive jpgs of people windsurfing and helping out in orphanages.
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    Are you sure it’s the installation and not just the download?
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    How the fuck can I answer your questions when I can't see the logs!!!
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    @abdnafees if you are installing from the appstore then it’s probably the download that takes so long. Xcode is huge.
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    @platypus hmm, the videos show people windsurfing and simultaneously helping orphanages?
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    yes, the download is large. I think I saw over 12GB but that still doesn't explain it. The M1 was 20 minutes total. CPU usage was pretty high the whole time. Disk usage was pretty high too.

    During the i7 install I looked at CPU load. It blipped up to 20% every few minutes from a few percent. The disk usage wasn't bad. Besides the download, there was normal network activity.
  • 0
    Something is messed up with your machine, it doesn’t normally take that long.
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