I've lived in this apartment for four years.
Tomorrow I'm moving out.
I've never ever lost my keys.
But today, the day before I'm moving out,
What the actual fuck is this? If there is a god, which I'm quite sure there is not, fuck you!

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    Free will comes at a price
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    @horus negate that. Keys were never lost and no swearing happened.

    God wanted to be insulted by itself.
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    God is a masochist. It loves to be sweared at.
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    You are supposed to live there forever.
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    Your keys will be in the last place you look. Start there.
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    @Demolishun that's one nice paradox :)
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    @netikras Here is another:
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    Why assume God had anything to do with you losing your own keys? Maybe you’re just forgetful. It’s like if I blamed my parents because I forgot to set my alarm clock to get up for work in the morning.
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    It was a joke, every sane person knows that there is no god
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    @Linux Granted. But I’m always curious how people “know” that something doesn’t exist. How do you prove a negative when it comes to anything?
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    @stackodev wait, you don't blame parents for that? Weird choom you are
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    @stackodev no evidence of something existing. While we have evidence of elusive almost invisible neutrinos and even gravity waves.

    So it is safe to assume that God does not exist, even if it exists it influences nothing, and thus equal to not existing.
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    @iiii Have you designed the right test? Do you take into account ways of knowing that aren’t direct or that may involve senses the human body has but go unknown, misunderstood, or unacknowledged by science? For example, we’ve only recently begun to posit that perhaps consciousness is non localized or even quantum in nature. Don’t be too sure that we know all there is to know.
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    @stackodev "senses the human body has but unknown"? Are you joking?
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    @iiii Ah, you’re of the mistaken belief in the “we are but bags of meat” philosophy. Sorry, carry on.
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    Okay I found them. And while they weren't in the last place I'd look @Demolishun, they were actually where I looked first! I just didn't look close enough 😅

    @Nanos need to hand back every key, otherwise they must change the locks.

    @stackodev @iiii As for your little discussion, I never wrote that I know there is no god, just that I'm quite sure. And while I do not believe there is a god, I do agree that it's practically impossible to prove there isn't. If there is a god and it is almighty we can just about dismiss the slightest proof against it existing.
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    @stackodev Somebody did an experiment with remote viewing. They put a chinese character hanging in a room that was completely dark, like as little photons as possible. Then they had different remote viewers try and view and determine what the character was. When the viewers correctly identified the character there was a measurable increase in photons in the room.

    So some of these senses have been measured.
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    @stackodev any proof of the opposite? Not that I know of any.
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    Since we’re talking about philosophy and the existence of God, I like to refer people to Pascal’s wager. Food for thought…
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    A god that cares*
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    @ScriptCoded may you find joy and happiness in your new home.
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    @black-kite pascal's wager is a logical error. It's the same as a prisoner's dilemma where the answer is not as simple as it seems.
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    @Nanos So you have a leg right in the middle where you sit? 😅
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