
Part 4. My legs are numb as fuck. But i cant get up cause shit won't stop getting out of my asshole. Wtf. I'll have to take a shit in multiple parts now. Shit a lil bit for 5-10 mins and then sit on couch and then go to shit again till i shit everything out. Im afraid for my legs numb blood cloth or smth

  • 2
    Did you try drinking water and coffee with lemon juice?
  • 1
    Maybe you need to squat instead of sitting
  • 4
    maybe you need a colonoscopy to find out what's wrong because this sure as fuck isn't normal, dude.
  • 1
    Seriously what @Midnight-shcode said, I’m strongly suggesting you get this checked quickly. Something is seriously wrong that requires immediate medical attention
  • 0
    I hope Jason Pezzimenti is just joking here
  • 1
    @kaki wait, are you also Jason? Is everyone in this thread Jase?
  • 0
    @kaki nah im good. Sometimes i take normal dumps but sometimes there are monsters i have to nuke
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