  • 12
    Go is the new PHP, allowing a whole new generation to write crappy code fast
  • 0
    I don’t even know who you are
  • 3
    I’m laughing in Swift and erlang.
  • 3
    Do you live in a separate reality, in which Python and JS have never been invented?
  • 2
    @12bitfloat the PHP devs ran to Python and NodeJS.

    Golang, could be good in the right hands, but then so can PHP 🤷‍♂️

    I'm starting to think the world needs to start with C/C++ and then learn to add layers and layers of abstraction known as most other languages.
  • 1
    Optionally specified return types, nullable references and a preference for guard clauses. Surely that won't backfire in a gory mess of null pointer exceptions.
  • 0
    Seems like even Google doesn’t like golang since they already made a new language (Carbon) that’s supposed to replace it.
  • 1
    @Lensflare Carbon is made for one single purpose, to kill C++, and I wholeheartedly support that goal.
  • 1
    Go is a decent attempt at a programming language and I don't hate it, but in my opinion it has a lot of perfectly avoidable flaws.
  • 5
    We should make Rust the language for first year students. High barrier to entry. If you pass you get to slap code together in Python as you proved you know how to do it safely. Training wheels are off now.

    We have it the wrong way round.
  • 5
    @platypus Rust has everything a good beginner language needs:
    - high quality, early errors to establish a sense of correctness before runtime bug hunting experience.
    - good docs to teach interpreting technical text and researching primary sources before relying on the word of a SO user
    - high level abstractions to teach how code works before having to teach how computers and operating systems work

    Everything your typical programmer learns today is important, but the order is messed up and I blame this for the state of the job market. We're teaching people to make the computer do stuff rather than to build logical and correct solutions.
  • 0
    @C0D4 technically this happened already.

    C++ is the core and every language is build on top of it.

    Language Interpreter, mostly written in c++

    Language compiler, mostly written in c++
  • 1
    @platypus wow, never thought this method to get better cs students.

    Cleanout early in uni, instead of asking industry to do it later, with simple test like fizzbuzz.
  • 1
    @max19931 Languages are generally not built on top of C++.

    Interpreted languages probably are, but compiled languages are build on themselves.

    They may be bootstrapped with C++ but afterwards the C++ code is completely gone.
  • 1
    @platypus "Training wheels are now off" So true!

    It bugs me how most people see dynamic languages as easier or more for beginners when it's actually the other way around: You have to be way more knowledgeable to not shoot yourself in the foot in exchange for (in theory) better development velocity. In that sense dynamic languages aren't for beginners at all
  • 1
    @12bitfloat absolutely.

    I think one part of the problem is that most of the times in arguments about what is beginner friendly, not enough distinction is being made between syntax and strictness.

    It just happens to be that, many languages with simpler syntax are also less strict and are considered beginner friendly because of syntax simplicity.

    In case of python and C++, that might be correct:
    Python (and JS) has simple syntax and is not strict.
    C++ has complex syntax and is strict.

    But there are other languages that are different. They can have simple syntax and be strict.

    Those are often disregarded as bad for beginners because people associate strictness with complex syntax.
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