
Why the fuck does every operations app do popouts now? I don't want a simple view of the data, I want all the data so I can compare it together.

It's not like you're saving any bandwidth! All the data is there, I can fucking see it 👀 in the dev tools!

I hate how every product now desperately tries to be like their competitor and everyone fails at it because everyone is copying everyone else.

  • 1
    What do you mean with popouts?
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    @jonas-w you click on something and an entire div pops out of the side from nowhere.

    @theKarlisK it certainly makes me flip the fuck out every time I see one with 10+ tabs of data that is meaningless without all the other tabs data.
  • 6
    @sariel ah yes fuck them, especially these website that act like another OS, where you have multiple "windows" inside of it where you can drag them around and minimize etc
  • 1
    Function follows form.
  • 0
    @jonas-w exactly!

    @Oktokolo bad form across 20 different tools I use daily then.

    It makes sense if you're checking boxes or flipping values. Hell, I'll even go as far as submitting any form.

    Reading data from 10+ tabs of other related information that you need to flip between to get a "full picture" is just bad design. It's an amateur move that I don't think these well established companies should be allowed to get away with.

    They took the whole "mobile first" mantra too far and now desktop UX is suffering for the 30% of manager minority because they are the only ones complaining.
  • 2
    @sariel Sorry, i forgot the sarcasm tag.
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